Scalescenes Industrial A - T024a Warehouse
This kit is one in a series of four versatile lineside industrial buildings that can be used in different combinations to suit your layout. Also available:
Reducing Scalescenes OO kits down to TT120
As long as your printer has the ability scale pages down there is no reason why you can't build any Scalescenes kits in TT120 scale.
Your printer's 'Scaling' options is usually found in the Adobe Reader print window. Please consult your printer's 'Help' for more details, search for ‘page scaling'.
In order for the TT 1:120 scale kits to assemble correctly you will also need to convert the card thickness as follows:
Heavy card - 2mm in OO works out at 1.25mm
Medium card - 1mm in OO works out at about .5mm
Light card - 200gsm in OO equates to about 110gsm
Most card types are fine, 'mountboard' or 'pasteboard' are good, although cheaper 'grey board' is ideal for Scalescenes models.All those card thicknesses or similar are fairly easy to source. Breakfast cereal box card is almost a perfect match for the Medium card (.5mm) and if glued together (as two ply) then you have something pretty close to 1.25mm.